Wright Hip Replacement Settlements

Wright Medical Group has agreed to pay $240 million to settle hundreds of lawsuits involving its Conserve, Dynasty and Lineage metal-on-metal hip implants. Several Wright hip replacement settlements have also been reached in cases involving the Profemur modular hip.

Wright Hip Lawsuit Evaluations

Bernstein Liebhard LLP has represented hundreds of people harmed by allegedly defective hip implants. If you suffered complications related to a Conserve, Dynasty, Lineage or Profemur hip, please contact our office today to learn more about Wright hip lawsuits and settlements. Free case evaluations can be obtained by calling (888) 994-5118.

Wright Metal-on-Metal Hip Settlement

In November 2016, Wright Medical announced an agreement had been reached to settle nearly 1,300 hip replacement lawsuits involving its Conserve, Dynasty and Lineage metal-on-metal hip implants. According to the company, the Wright hip replacement settlement would resolve about 85% of the personal injury claims pending  in  a multidistrict litigation now underway in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, as well as those included in mass tort proceeding established  in California Superior Court in Los Angeles.

Before the Wright hip settlement can take effect, 95% of eligible plaintiffs must agree to its terms. The agreements would allow Conserve hip patients to receive $170,000, while those who had the metal-liner Dynasty and Lineage devices would receive $120,000. Eligible claimants include individuals who underwent revision of their hip within eight years of their initial hip replacement surgery, and whose lawsuit was filed within their state’s statute of limitations.

The settlement agreement excluded around 600 revision surgery cases, as well as 700 non-revision claims.

Wright Profemur Hip Settlements

Wright Medical is also facing dozens of lawsuits involving Profemur modular hip implants. In April 2013, a confidential Wright hip replacement settlement was announced in a Profemur case that had been scheduled for trial in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California.  The plaintiff, who experienced a hip implant fracture just a few years after he received his Profemur hip, charged that its design made the device prone to fracture, corrosion and fatigue at the modular junction.(Case No. 4:11-cv-03086-YGR)

A second Profemur hip settlement was announced in December 2013, just five days before the case was to go to trial U.S. District Court, Middle District of Georgia. The plaintiff had been forced to undergo revision of a Wright Profemur Plasma Z stem in 2011, after the implant broke while he was out walking. The terms of this settlement were also confidential. (Case 5:12-cv-00173-CAR)

Contact a Wright Hip Lawyer Today

Bernstein Liebhard LLP provides free, no-obligation case reviews to individuals who  allegedly suffered serious complications due to defective hip implants. To learn more, please call (888) 994-5118.

  1. Mass Device (2016) “Wright Medical jumps on $240m hip settlement, Q3 results” http://www.massdevice.com/wright-medical-jumps-240m-hip-settlement-q3-results/
Last Modified: January 12, 2017

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