Pneumonia Vaccine

 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, including Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax 23, provide immunity from diseases caused by the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. However, in rare circumstances, the pneumonia vaccine can cause serious side effects, including fainting and painful shoulder injuries.

Contact a Vaccine Injury Lawyer Today

The nationwide law firm of Bernstein Liebhard LLP is investigating potential legal claims on behalf of patients who suffered serious side effects and complications following administration of a pneumonia conjugate vaccine. To learn more about filing a pneumonia vaccine lawsuit, please contact our office at (888) 994-5118.

What is the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine?

There are over 90 types of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria that cause life-threatening pneumonia, meningitis, and blood diseases, usually in young children.

Two pneumococcal conjugate vaccines are widely used in the United States.

  • The Prevnar 13 vaccine (PCV 13) provides immunity from 13 different types of pneumococcal bacteria that cause the most severe disease.
  • The Pneumovax 23 vaccine (PPSV23) for older children with certain chronic diseases.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for:

  • All children younger than 2 years old
  • All adults 65 years or older
  • People 2 through 64 years old with certain medical conditions.

Pneumonia Vaccine Side Effects

In rare cases, pneumonia vaccines can cause serious side effects and complications.

The most commonly reported Prevnar 13 side effects include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Pain and tenderness at injection site.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Headache and chills.

Side effects frequently reported in connection with the Pneumovax 23 vaccine include:

  • Injection-site pain and tenderness.
  • Injection-site swelling or hardness.
  • Injection-site redness.
  • Headache
  • Physical weakness, lack of energy, and fatigue.
  • Muscle pain

People who receive a pneumonia vaccine may also experience vasovagal syncope, a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure that leads to fainting.

Transverse myelitis (TM), a rare disorder characterized by swelling of the spinal cord, has been reported in patients who received a pneumonia conjugate vaccine.

Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) has also been reported following administration of Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax 23. People with SIRVA experience severe pain in the shoulder and have difficulty moving the arm where a shot was given. The condition usually occurs within 48 hours of vaccination.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) provides compensation to those who have been hurt by pneumonia conjugate vaccines and other covered vaccines. To date, the program has paid more than $3.9 billion to people who have filed petitions for vaccine-related injuries.

Under the NVICP’s guidelines, a vaccine injury is presumed to be covered if:

  • The injury meets the definition included in the program’s Vaccine Injury Table.
  • The first symptom of the condition occurred within the time period specified by the table.

The table lists the following covered injuries for pneumonia conjugate vaccines:

If an injury does not appear in the Vaccine Injury Table or does not meet the Table requirements, claimants must present expert witness testimony, medical records, medical opinions, or other evidence proving that the vaccine caused the injury and/or condition.

Contact a Pneumonia Vaccine Injury Lawyer Today

Individuals who suffered injuries related to a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Past and future medical bills

For a free, no-obligation evaluation of your potential pneumonia vaccine lawsuit, please call our office today at (888) 994-5118.

  1. CDC (2018) “Pneumococcal Vaccination”
  2. HRSA (2018) “National Vaccine Compensation Program”
  3. HRSA (2017) “Covered Vaccines”
Last Modified: July 11, 2018

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