Tens of thousands of Americans undergo shoulder replacement surgery every year. For most of these patients, the procedures result in less pain and increased range of motion. However, complications can and do occur, especially when there is an issue with the prosthetic itself. In such cases, filing a shoulder replacement lawsuit may allow victims of failed surgeries to obtain compensation for the pain and suffering they have endured.
The nationwide law firm of Bernstein Liebhard LLP is now offering free, no-obligation legal reviews to individuals who experienced painful complications following shoulder replacement surgery, including:
These problems can result in the need for additional surgeries, including shoulder replacement revision. If you or a loved one experienced any of these issues, please call (888) 994-5118 to learn more about filing a shoulder replacement lawsuit.
In February 2016, a $350,000 settlement was reported in a lawsuit involving Biomet, Inc.’s Comprehensive Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement system. According to court documents filed in the U.S. District Court, District of Colorado, the case had been brought on behalf of a plaintiff who received two Comprehensive Reverse Shoulders in 2009 and 2010. The devices later fractured, allegedly due to components recalled by Biomet in 2010, resulting in revision surgeries to remove and replace the implants.
The case had been scheduled to go to trial on February 29, 2016, but the trial date was vacated as a result of the settlement. Read More
During shoulder replacement surgery, the damaged parts of the joint are replaced with prosthesis. Depending on the extent of damage, only the ball of the humerus bone may be replaced. In other cases, the patient will undergo replacement of both the ball and the glenoid (socket). Surgeons will choose among a variety of implants, depending on the type of injury and the needs of the patient.
A short-stemmed humeral prosthesis is often used during total shoulder replacement in patients who exhibit good bone quality. Short-stemmed devices are fixated by cement-free anchorage, and the stem is covered in a special coating to encourage bone growth. The head may be made of either ceramic or metal. Short-stemmed implants are purportedly associated with shorter operation times, reduced blood loss and greater bone preservation.
In February 2016, a study published in the Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery suggested that short-stem shoulder replacement was associated with a high percentage of radiolucency (possibly indicating bone loss) on imaging screens, as well as a higher overall rate of device loosening and revision surgery. The authors of the study analyzed three years of data involving patients who had undergone short-stem shoulder replacement, and found that the overall revision rate for humeral loosening was 8.2% (6 of 73 shoulders). Radiolucent zones of any size were seen in 71.0%, with 8.7% of these shoulders identified as having humeral stems at risk of future loosening.
Patients who experienced bone loss or other serious complications following shoulder replacement surgery may be entitled to compensation for:
If you would like to discuss filing a shoulder replacement lawsuit with one of our attorneys, please call (888) 994-5118 to arrange for a free, no-obligation legal review.
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