An Arizona man has filed a new Roundup lawsuit accusing Monsanto of concealing the alleged link between glyphosate and cancer.
According to a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Iowa, Ray Harry used Roundup on his properties for 23 years, first in Alcester, South Dakota, from 1988-2006 and then in May City, Iowa, from 2011-16. (Case No. 5:18-cv-04072)
Harry, who now lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in September. He alleges that his cancer diagnosis was the direct result of his Roundup exposure.
“Monsanto has led a prolonged campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, farmers and the general population that Roundup is safe,” his complaint charges.
Harry claims that Monsanto falsely represented Roundup as a safe product and asserts that the company failed to warn consumers about the risks associated with glyphosate, the weed killer’s active ingredient.
Monsanto’s Roundup is the world’s most popular weed killer.
However, in 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) declared glyphosate a “probable human carcinogen”. In particular, the IARC review suggested a link between glyphosate exposure and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, including its various subtypes.
Harry’s Roundup lawsuit was filed just a week after a jury in California’s San Francisco Superior Court awarded $289 million to a former school groundskeeper who was exposed to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based weed killers, including Roundup, 20-to-30 timers per year during his career.
Dwayne Johnson was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2014 and is now considered terminal. At trial, the jury was told that Johnson’s doctors have given him about 6 months to live.
The jury’s decision to award Johnson and his family $289 million in compensatory and punitive damages was unanimous. Among other things, jurors found that Monsanto acted with malice and oppression in its handling of Roundup.
The Johnson case was the first Monsanto Roundup lawsuit to go to trial in the United States.
Since the verdict was announced, thousands of additional plaintiffs have filed similar claims accusing Monsanto of concealing the link between Roundup and cancer. Earlier this month, Bayer – which acquired Monsanto last year – acknowledged that the number of Roundup lawsuit filings had soared above 8,000 in the wake of the verdict.
The company continues to deny any connection between Monsanto Roundup and cancer, and has indicated that it will mount a vigorous defense in court.