The oral version of Kayexalate can reduce the effectiveness of many orally-administered prescription drugs when they are taken at the same time. Filing a Kayexalate lawsuit may be an option for patients who were harmed because of a drug interaction with another oral medication.
The defective drug lawyers at Bernstein Liebhard LLP are evaluating potential Kayexalate lawsuits. Please call our office today at (888) 994-5118 to for a free, no-obligation case review if you or someone you love experienced a dangerous drug interaction because of oral Kayexalate.
Kayexalte (sodium polystyrene sulfonate) was approved in 1958 to treat hyperkalemia, a condition characterized by high amounts of potassium in the blood. Untreated, hyperkalemia can cause heart rhythm problems, and, in rare case, the condition can even prove fatal.
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate – including Kayexalate and generic versions – can be administered orally or via enema. The drug works by binding to potassium in the intestines so that it can be eliminated from the body.
In September 2017, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) warned that orally-administered Kayexalate should not be taken at the same time as other oral medications.
The agency’s warning was based on the findings of a laboratory study designed to evaluate the binding potential for six orally administered medicines commonly taken together with sodium polystyrene sulfonate:
The study found that significant binding to sodium polystyrene sulfonate occurred with all of the medicines.
The results led the FDA to conclude that sodium polystyrene sulfonate would probably bind to many other oral medicines, reducing their effectiveness.
The FDA is now recommending that oral versions of Kayexalate and other sodium polystyrene sulfonate products not be taken at the same time as other orally-administered drugs.
“When prescribing sodium polystyrene sulfonate, health care professionals should advise patients to separate dosing from other orally administered medicines by at least 3 hours,” the agency said. “That time should be increased to 6 hours for patients with gastroparesis or other conditions resulting in delayed emptying of food from the stomach into the small intestine.”
The FDA also ordered that the labels for Kayexalate and generic versions be updated with information about dosing separation.
Patients who were harmed because of a Kayexalate drug interaction may be entitled to compensation for:
To learn more about filing a Kayexalate lawsuit, please call the nationwide law firm of Bernstein Liebhard LLP by calling (888) 994-5118.
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